Salve gente! Come state? Siccome l'altro giorno vi ho parlato di un libro che ho adorato, ho deciso di riportarvi alcune citazioni!
C'è solo un piccolo problemino: ho letto l'edizione inglese, perciò tutte le mie citazioni saranno in questa lingua. Spero che non sia un problema!
Comunque, ora vi lascio alcuni dialoghi tratti da Mr. Perfect di Linda Howard, buona lettura:

La prima è un dialogo tra i nostri due protagonisti:
“You were happy last night. This morning is a different story."
"You think I have a hangover. I don't. Well a little headache, but not much. Just let this be a warning to you if you keep me from sleeping again tonight."
"I kept you from sleeping? I kept you from sleeping?" he repeated incredulously. "You are the same woman who shook me out of a sound sleep at two a.m. yesterday morning, aren't you?"
"I didn't shake you. I kind of bounced on you, but I didn't shake you."
"Bounced," he repeated.
"You had a hard-on. I couldn't let it go to waste, could I?"
"You could have woke me up before you started not to let it go to waste."
"Look," she said exasperated, "If you don't want used, don't lie on your back with it sticking up like that. If that isn't an invitation, I don't know what is."
"I was asleep. It does that on its own." It was doing it on its own right know, as a matter of fact. It poked her in the stomach.
She looked down... and smiled. It was a smile that made his testicles draw up in fear.
With a sniff, she turned her back on him and ignored him as she finished showering.
"Hey!" he said, to get her attention. Alarm was in his tone. "You aren't going to let this one go to waste are you?” 

Qua, invece, abbiamo una perla di saggezza di Sam:

“Honey, the only experts in PMS are men. That's why men are so good at fighting wars; they learned Escape and Evade at home.” 
Mentre l'ultimo dialogo è tra una coppia di arzilli vecchietti, vicini di casa dei nostri protagonisti:

“You guys take over while I go put on a shirt."
Mrs. Kulavich had edged close enough to hear him. She beamed at him. "Don't bother on my
account," she said. "Sadie!" Mr. Kulavich said in rebuke.
"Oh, hush, George! I'm old, not dead!"
"I'll remind you of that the next time I want to watch the Playboy Channel," he growled.” 
Spero di essere riuscita ad incuriosirvi un pochino. Tra l'altro queste sono tutte scene che, durante la lettura, mi hanno divertito tantissimo. Spero possa essere lo stesso anche per voi!
Buone letture!


  1. Se non è un invito quello, non so cosa lo sia!!! :D Fantastica Jaine!
    L'ultimo pezzo mi ha fatto ridere un sacco, hai capito alla vecchietta eheh xD

  2. Non ho capito la seconda finché non ho cercato su Google PMS. Ahahahahaha XD

  3. Ciao Siannalyn, grazie per l'invito . . . .
    non sò se riuscirò a partecipare al link party a cui mi hai invitato ma nei prossimi gironi proverò a farlo

    Buona serata e migliore continuazione di settimana


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